Tuesday 11 June 2013

BK's best friends and best at discipline

Have you met the Brahma Kumaris, they are the best!  You may have seen BK centres in different cities, often called Inner Space.  They dress in white and they smile all the time.  You may wonder why they manage this and I can tell you the secret now.  They meditate, and they do the job properly, rising and meeting at 4.00 am every morning and then discussing the traditional teaching given through their founder Brahma Baba and all this before going to work!  Many of them give up all their worldly lives and fully participate in spreading the word that meditation and kindness are needed in the world today.  They get my highest marks for commitment and kindness.  I am more of the householder type of disciple and whilst my admiration for their self discipline is a source of inspiration, householders also traditionally have a really important place in the spiritual scheme of things.
Keep your eyes open for the Brahma Kumaris, you will know them by their qualities first and you will want them to be your best friends, they certainly are mine.

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