Monday 29 July 2013

Meditation, an every day story of country folk!

There is a conversation recorded as part of the Geeta, a central part of Vedic Philosophy which has given me enormous encouragement as a hen-owning grandmother who lives in Cambridgeshire.  Real scriptures span all religions and are universal so this one, although Indian in origin, is as pertinent today and to me as the Bible.
see hens!

Why do I like it so much?  Well, there is a good questioner in it, a questioner who never gives up and he definitely knows that controlling the mind is about as easy as holding onto an umbrella in a high wind.  (He doesn't use that analogy but then he didn't live in the flat lands of East Anglia!)  He, the questioner is questioning the Lord Krishna who is both Lord of all but also his esteemed teacher, companion and I would say, true friend.
Arjuna, the questioner, rather like Max, really wants to know about the big questions, he wants to know if there is something beyond the world of the senses, he REALLY needs to know because he has a big battle to fight which is going to involve death and destruction and he doesn't want to fight, no, not a bit. So, he wants to know WHO are the best of the spiritual practitioners.  He, the Lord Krishna, says that the ones who can fix their minds fully on him as without a body are really good , but if this is too difficult for us, he says that a person who offers all his actions to the Lord will succeed.   BUT, if even that is too difficult, we should seek to be united with the Lord and the way to do that is to become so like Him that we are indistinguishable in our actions even while we are in a body. That is why meditation is so good, because each time we meditate, we stop the feeling of the body as the most real thing.
Then these are the things we need to remember.  To be always contented, no matter what happens, to be kind and compassionate to ALL beings, to do no harm and not allow anyone to harm you, not to get carried away by too much joy or anger or ever get depressed.  Not to favour a friend above a foe, not to mind if people say horrid things about you and certainly never to say anything horrid about them.  This, he says is spiritual wisdom and the person who does this is the most beloved to the Lord.
What is for sure, is that if you turn to meditation and feel your way towards the perfection of God, then, your path will be smooth, you will feel as if your very  best friend is beside you and that there is no difference between you and him (or her!).

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