Wednesday 31 July 2013

Meditation and mobile phones

You think that I am going to say that mobile phones disturb meditation don't you, but I'm not going down that track.
If you see someone taking out their mobile phone, they will all put their hand in their pocket or in their handbag and pull out a piece of metal and glass and start talking to it as if it were a real person!!!  How interesting is that?  It could be their bank manager, it could be their mother, their girlfriend, their lover, even their teacher or guru.  Same device, same ear but watch how the face changes.  Delight in the lover, fear of the bank manager, irritation with their mother, awe at the guru.
What's more, the mobile phones belong to all sorts of different people: I expect that the Pope has one, and the Archbishop of Canterbury and the Moderator of the Church of Scotland plus Buddhists in red robes, swamis in orange, others in all white, people in suits, in skirts, in bathing costumes and I just can't imagine where a nudist keeps their mobile phone, but probably they have a rucksack they carry their sunglasses and mobile phone in.  So, out of all these different pockets come the mobile phones and to a Granny like me, it is a wonder that there are no wires connecting people, just the voice into the device and a voice coming out of it.
If mobile phones weren't explained to us, we would think it was magic to be able to talk to someone in Kuala-Lumpar or Singapore from the windiest corner of East Anglia.
People who believe (like me), that meditation connects you with people everywhere else who meditate, know that it is a fact.
But of course all facts are magic aren't they?

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