Saturday 27 July 2013

meditation and transcendence

Transcendence sounds a long way off doesn't it?  But think about it, to transcend doesn't just mean soaring into the ether, it means passing by the gripping things, it is a process as well as a state of detachment.  And it can start wherever you are!  So, when you are meditating and that thought comes in which begs for attention, you turn back to the mantra, that's transcendence at a constant and simple level.  In life though, there are layers of traps and transcending them is the best way not to get trapped.  A thought usually comes from a feeling and it can be entertained or left.  When the thought becomes words, even words in the mind,  it has had some effect and at this point, it may easily go into action and then you are done!  Sometimes, this process is beneficial for everyone, even the simple lay the breakfast thought, but when it has a sting to it, watch out, remember it's a trap and go for transcendence again and again.

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