Saturday 16 November 2013

Share your Meditation

Yesterday was a bad bad day for news;  the news was about people I really really only want good news about and it was bad bad bad.  It couldn't have been better to have read yesterday about the difficulty of giving comforting words because in this particular case, the words are like sawdust and all I feel is sad and sort of paralysed.  My husband was the meditator in the evening, I just put myself into a warm corner and read a mindless detective novel, I just couldn't meditate.  But gradually his meditation and the warmth of the fire seeped into my bones and the day passed and we clambered wordless into bed and the night passed.  And with the morning, hope dawns and meditation is possible again.  This makes me realise that there is a vast resource out there created by people who have meditated and prayed over the millennia, it gives comfort to feel that goodness is there to tap into all and all the time.

Helping one another is good

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