Monday 9 September 2013

Why Meditation, Why Grannies. Why gets an answer!

To get down to the why of the blog and the why of Grannies needing to meditate is to face the fact that we are here to search for the way onward.  It isn't rocket science to see that once you are in the Granny zone, you are on a distinctly new chapter of your life and it isn't the first one.  The parts you have played, the being mothered and fathered, the mothering you have done, the grand mothering are all limited and some of them are probably over or nearly over.  Grandparents tend to be orphans!  So, this blogger who has been on the search for the why of life for ages begins to sense a little more urgency to the search!
Meditation helps, it isn't the whole thing for me, but it helps a lot in the search.  The other part of the search, it seems, is that if you ask questions and genuinely want the answers, the answers will come by surprising routes.
If you have followed this blog, you will have seen that whilst wondering about what a wise man would think when at Heathrow Terminal 5 earlier in the summer, this blogger read about the Cambridgeshire vicar who had been in the news wondering WTFWJD. (What the f... would Jesus DO). She sounded such a good sort that when I woke up yesterday morning I decided to definitely go searching for what Jesus would think this Sunday morning in Fulbourn, Cambridgeshire.
It was well worth the search;  for some reason, the words as spoken on that Sunday in that place, really were true.  They struck a chord which was waiting to be struck.  Jesus really did exist and because what he said and left behind still is true, if the words are spoken and listened to, they go to the part which is waiting to hear them.  Fascinated always by the concept Jesus leaves us with
- that when two or three are gathered together in His name, He is there among them, and having dipped into Plotinus in the summer who talks in riddles about the One, it seemed that this saying was true.  We were gathered, we were many but each one was concentrated on the One which was being expressed through words and it worked.
Perhaps meditating beforehand helped but Rev Alice Goodman in a wonderfully warm and human way, brought understanding to this searcher who once was a child but is now an orphan! was/is a mother and is now a grandmother! Just one person in all those many roles, now there's a riddle.

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