Friday 27 September 2013

For One who has a birthday, a meditation on being ONE

For this special ONE whose name means wisdom, here is a birthday blog, a meditation on being One!  You may say, 'but I am twelve today, ONE was years ago' but hey, look at these few photographs, it is the same ONE looking out of all of them, ONE smaller, ONE more grown up, ONE being a sister, ONE and  being a bridesmaid!  You have always been the same ONE since the day you were born.  In our family there are other ONEs too, see the photo of Mary's wedding,
ONE of them has a birthday tomorrow and ONE two days later.  You have friends, new friends and old friends, but each ONE is ONE friend.  I have friends, now I am getting a bit older, there are ONES who are getting older too, but each ONE, like you is ONE person just getting older.  In our family, there is ONE who is in Singapore, ONE who is in Dubai, ONE who is teaching, ONE who works in a hospital, ONE who is walking the dogs, ONE who is about to start cooking, ONE more in an office, ONE going running, ONE on the telephone and ONE who has got a secret!  Each ONE is feeling something different, ONE is happy, ONE is not, ONE is busy, ONE is worried, ONE is asleep, ONE is dreaming and ONE is thinking about birthdays, YOU.  My special birthday present to you is to whisper the ONE sound to you so that you use your wisdom name to begin to see that the ONE you are is the same ONE becoming all these people and things and is the ONE thing which never changes however big or small you get.  Happy Birthday Sophie.

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