Friday 6 September 2013

Waterperry and Bernard Saunders

Returning to Waterperry at the end of the summer to help with a changeover at the house, the striking thing is the steady witness the house bears to human beings who strive to be fully themselves.  Here are men and women from all over the world who have spent a fortnight here studying and meditating and whose aim is to find a best way to offer ancient wisdom in an easy and accessible way to people who want to know.
The house itself draws people to it;
Waterperry House
 maybe it is the stillness built up over the years it has been used as a centre for study and meditation, maybe it was there before, with its little medieval Church tucked alongside, but you can feel it drawing you inwards.  Here are heroes and heroines, those men and women mentioned beforehand as well as those who look after the house.  Central hero today is Bernard Saunders whose vision for Waterperry is a main reason for it being what it is and whose vision for Meditation as the way to connect with the source of all life has helped so many of us.

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