Monday 16 September 2013

Grannies go to the Apple Store

The staff in the Apple Store don't speak the same language as people my age.  There was a older woman with an i pad marching up the Apple store in Cambridge this morning shaking the i pad at the staff and this blogger knew why.  This little Mac Book which is what the blog happens on and where all the photographs are was stored is sick.  The staff at the Apple Store probably see lots of us older people who don't know how to back up or do anything much more than send an e mail to a grandchild.  We are those who get photographs and documents and just keep on saving them and saving them until the memory is stuffed full of bytes of some sort of other.  Those boys who speak so fast and know just how your computer works see us coming and just what we are going to be sold.  This blogger went away with a rather beautiful looking hard drive which will, once I have learnt how to drag those photographs from the mac book to the hard drive, mean that the indigestion suffered by the poor thing will get better.
You need to meditate to clear your mind sufficiently to get round a gigabyte but I  bet those boys at the Apple Store who are so clever need to meditate too, because as far as I know, you can't get that through technology.  You can only learn about it.
Apologies to any Grandparents who are better at computer science than this blogger suggests, the one that I live with is right in the camp of shouting at his poor little innocent i pad as if it could hear.

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