Monday 11 September 2017

A meditation club? in Dubai!

Father Laurence click on this link for the lesson
You and some other members of a club
He, the boy on the left of the photograph, went home to Dubai and I thought he had probably forgotten all about our meditation in the summer house, he being just about 10 and life full of other things.   But no! A message from his mother on WhatsApp (I love WhatsApp) says that when offered extra after school curricular activities like football, karate and cross country running he said "I wish there was a meditation club".  Now how about that for 10! And he is not a child you would think wanted to sit still and let his mind quieten, no, he is a back flipping - somersaulting -  swinging on bars - footballing - karate chopping  -cross country runner with a bit of rugby about him.  He isn't quiet and shy and looking for God, he just clearly tuned into the idea of getting still.
So that boy, you can start a meditation club yourself if you have a few mates who might try it.  I will ask my friend Father Laurence Freeman who is a meditator and believes that children love to meditate if he can send someone out to Dubai to start you off properly.  All you have to do is to see if there is anyone else who would like to join you.  I think you need 4 people. Click on the link under his photograph for his first lesson for you.
Butty, the meditating dog says meditation is great.

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