Saturday 2 August 2014

A conversation with the abracadabra girl on white hair

Leto is Older than me!
She, the abracadabra girl comes along early for a bath and helps me with the rollers I put in my hair to tame it into something suitable even if it isn't very stylish.  This is always a chance to ask important questions and make searingly honest comments  Earlier this month, we had one of the early morning sessions which started like this: "Granny, your hair is white, how old are you?"
"Oh, that is nearly 100"
"Well hang on", I say, "it is 34 years to go till 100"
"How old is Grandpa?"
"Oh dear, You are all nearly 100, I won't have any grannies left before long, you'll all be dead" (sad face).
Abracadabra child, a few years ago
I, of the white hair and not really thinking I am nearly 100 am thinking hard….this is clearly something she is thinking about too plus apart from my own departure and its certainty, there are lots of Grandparents who have disappeared from sight without any explanation being able to be given so I try my best.
"Well, think of it this way" I say "no-one knows absolutely for certain what happens when you die but I believe the wise people who do seem to know and they have given us clues and if we read those clues, we can see that dying isn't the end for a person"
They say that "there is a tiny tiny part of all of us which never changes, it is the most alive part, smaller than the smallest battery, tinier that the tiniest light.  This lively spark has everything about us and about the world and the stars and the sun in it.  This part, the wise say, leaves each body out of the tiniest tiniest space in the top of our heads and rises up to a place full of light.  This heavenly place is, a resting place, where you get a chance to gather your self together and, some say, to choose where you'll be going next!
Eyes light up, she is interested….
I continue: "they, the ones who know say that some people will come back as babies.  I have heard that people often return to be babies where they lived before, amongst people they loved, or near places that meant a lot to them.  Some people, special people, are born for special jobs and they will always go to the place they are  most needed, but you can be sure that if you have a baby, it will have chosen you very carefully and that you will be the BEST person to help it become it's own Best person.
So, nobody disappears forever, they just change and swap their white hair  for new hair, maybe blonde, brown or black and their old bodies for bodies that might be soooo fit, they will be competing in the Commonwealth Games before long.
So, look carefully at every baby, they will have a long history and an important future.

Where did these babies come from and where will they go?

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