Thursday 17 October 2013

Dalai Lama and Just this Day

This photograph of the Dalai Lama in Amritsar in 2007 is of him joining many people who believe that stillness makes a difference at a particular time on a particular day.  Just this Day.  You can see that half those on the stage with him at the Interfaith meeting joined in and half look a bit busy but his example must works if half of them join in!  He must have developed the ability to be still by practicing it and what an example that is.  The other example he has set so dramatically is in having stayed equable and open to dialogue whilst in exile.  Would we manage to stay balanced if we had been exiled from our home?  Stillness and balance must be connected don't you think? so if we practice stillness we are practicing balance and that is a practical proposition.  Meditation is a practical proposition.  Practice with us on November 20th this year and make every next day after that Just this Day.


  1. Hi Liz,
    I have been following your blog with interest . Just have got a couple of questions arising from this week's meeting in Peterborough .....
    Some interesting questions were raised on Tuesday during our continuation of the theme of consciousness…I am writing for a bit more clarification if possible of what a couple of these questions mean.

    The first question asked “can the eye see the “I”? ( I am assuming the spelling here)
    The second question (as far as I remember it!) is something like: “can the observer understand/know the observed…?”. I may have got these wrong but perhaps you can throw some light on them.
    Thank you.

  2. Hello David,
    I am glad you like the blog, I enjoy writing it and it keeps me up to the mark. So your questions! Can the eye see the I? No, I don't think so but the I can see the eye looking and the ear hearing etc: What do you think? The second question is going to give you another question, who observes? Love Liz
