Saturday 17 October 2015

preparing Grandpa for marching

Well, here we are in London, banner at the ready and out of our country characters and into march mode.  Grandpa would love to watch the rugby really but he is sufficiently fired up to come and march for his doctor daughter, his doctor son-in-law, their doctor friends and even more for his own
well-being because who else is going to look after him when he falls sick.  You can hear the case laid out by Peter Stefanovic, a lawyer by listening to this little film
So, how do we prepare ourselves this morning!
First, a cup of tea and then he reads aloud a chapter from Saviour of the Nation, the poem about Churchill which tells us about the darkest hours and the spirit of fight which Churchill infused the nation with. We rise and dress with some care!  I put on warm clothes, fluff my grey hair into it's biggest and best shape and spray it with march resistant lacquer!  I put on very very bright lipstick. I want to put on the march from Les Miserables! but instead we meditate, trying our best to keep our minds steady.
We raid Rachel's fridge for fighting fare....a couple of bagels and marmite, we share a cup of coffee, I find the march from Les Mis
on YouTube and pocketing our freedom passes we head off for the bus, the tube and the march humming it. You can too

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