Tuesday 27 January 2015

Ron's recipe for surviving the holocaust

Ron as a young boy
This is Ron Leaton, born 1929, he survived the holocaust in Matthausen Concentration Camp.  He went there when he was 12 years old and was liberated when he was 15.  He is now 85 and there aren't many survivors left like him. He took Grandpa to the Holocaust Memorial Day in London today.  He told us that one of the things which kept him alive, a boy growing into a young man was seeing the beauty and hugeness of nature
one particular time when he saw that there was something pure and good beyond the horror.
Ron Leaton
In his own words: "I existed from day to day. My body was skin and bone after almost three years of starvation, but I remember one day in particular when silently standing huddled with a group of prisoners. I happened to look up and see beautiful mountains in the distance, covered in snow, and forests also covered in snow, all in beautiful sunshine (the temp was at least -20C). Looking, I realised that irrespective of our pathetic personal state, this is the truth, the true beauty of nature which exists permanently! I know now that this insight allowed me to survive the trauma.  
Nowadays, if I am asked what advice I can give to people, it is always to look at the positive, there's a lot of it about!"

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