Thursday 15 January 2015

I am definitely something but am I Charlie?

Akhendadi Das 
Listen to this thought for the day from BBC Radio 4 yesterday.  Don't miss it and send it to friends who think the same and who are searching for the words to say it.  Akhendadi Das tells us who we are!  Today there is an atmosphere of FEAR and many of us are wondering how to help bring harmony.  It is quite understandable that those who feel outrage at the terrible events at Charlie Hebdo want to show that they share in the identity of those who have suffered.  In some countries now people are wearing the words I am Juif, Jew in the same way. This is simply to show that we have a shared identity even if we have our own national or religious identity, we want to show that our real identity is universal, we are that universal underlying One Being, we are that, and as Akhendadi Das says...That Thou Art.  Let's take this to heart and grow into One understanding of One another.

1 comment:

  1. As Shakespeare said "to be or not to be, that is the question?"
    To become or not to become from within is the question?
