Tuesday 29 July 2014

memories and making sense of them

Here is a link to Lucy Winkett's Thought for Today. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p023t6p4. She talked about her own memory of a landscape meaning one thing to her as a child and something else to another person.  Landscape and horizons she pointed out were even a piece of music to a composer.  This fascinated me especially as during the last week having all the family here, I realise that I reach back into my own childhood to find things to put before the grandchildren, the games, the fun, the sweetness of good fun and cousinly affection.  They will probably do the same and maybe their summer memories will only be of the fun and not of the bee sting or the falling over, their childhoods will be coloured by summer in their memories.  There is something universal about these memories, most of us have good ones thank God but others must struggle to remember anything good in other places;  how different a summer here in the UK to a summer in Gaza or Israel or perhaps Ukraine or Syria.  It is because all these horizons are limited that the possibility the happy give perhaps point the way to something wonderful lying behind them, an unseen and benevolent stillness which should really belong to everyone.  It takes someone who has an inkling or an insight into the reality of that stillness to point it out.  So, thanks to Lucy Winkett for a good thought for today.
Still waters to play in

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