Sunday 27 July 2014

Meditation in and on a gene pool!

A Pond full of family!
A holy man seeking for liberation would just go into the hills and find a quiet place, leave his home and family behind and  meditate.  Do I envy him? NO, but I am aiming to discover what freedom might be and I wonder if leading a householder's life will do the business. A householder basically carries on with the household and family life and meditates twice a day with the aim of finding freedom from attachment. This weekend, the house filled with family and the sun shone and the pond filled with every sort of son and daughter, of every in law and out law, every grandson and grand daughter, a couple of grandparents and each and every one had a big appetite!  I just squeaked in early morning meditation but by the end of every day, the householder part of me was ready to drop.  So, detachment, what might it mean in this context?  I think it just means that when they all go home, you let them go without trying to hang on but if you love them, it is a bit of a spiritual effort.  

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