Saturday 25 July 2015

What DO you do when you meditate Granny?

Abracadabra girl with Granny
The abracadabra girl is back in town, one year older but sharp as a pin!  "Granny, what do you DO when you meditate?"
I say this;  "You do your best to get still, you get your body still and your mind as still as it will be,  you might have your own magic sound to say in your mind or you might meditate by just keeping going back to being still".  
She says, "Why DO YOU Meditate?"
I say this; "You work hard at being still and you use your meditation as a way of changing any bad thoughts of feelings into good ones."
"Like what?" she says.
The swimming abracabra girl with aunts and uncles and cousins
I say this;  "Well suppose you feel busy or angry or jealous or cross or sad or even joyful , you can see you aren't them and if you need to you can change those feelings for better ones.  You are the winner in your own mind, you are
the person who is in charge of the feelings.  You can do this bit of good work when you meditate."
high five
She says, "Oh, that's a bit like Inside Out isn't it Granny?"
I say, "That's right abracadabra girl, your Granny is as up to date as the latest film, how I about that.
We high five!
You can see the trailer by clicking here or on the name of the film any of you Grannies out there who are wondering how to tell your own abracadabra children about meditation.


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  3. Just answer sincerely,
    from the language of your own heart.
