Wednesday 8 July 2015

granny's countdown to a wedding! Meditation plus make up!

hair do!
made up and ready to go
3 weeks to that wedding, lists to complete, shoes to match the outfit, shall we wear hats? heels how high? what flowers? who will collect her wedding dress? who will drive her to the Church? who will come? who won't?  I am taking all of this seriously!  And every rose is being cut back and encouraged to flower again by the wedding, every morning swim is accompanied by a little bit of light weeding and inspecting of the flowers for the bouquet.  My morning routine has had to change and after swimming in the pond below and inspecting the garden I have had to move beyond the meditating hut and rise to the challege of ?glamour? or at least respectability!  Today is the day to take on the challenge so I go to Selfridges where a most beautiful beautician takes me on!  Layers of make up glide onto my granny face cleverly masking the random wrinkle and line.  Eyes down for sparkling eyeshadow and glossy mascara inspires me to promise to make far greater efforts to cleanse and tone.
Early morning swimming pond

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, meditation not only helping us relax and mindful, while also improve our wisdom. I learned meditation from a guru with over 30 years’ experience, he is Ajahn Wimoak, I do record his English meditation teaching in MP3 and share in my blog. Feel free to download his teaching by meditation MP3 at:
