Wednesday 22 April 2015

Butty's story! Why I am an addict. The pressure of living with meditators

I just can't help it...and it's all their fault, the old grandparents I live with.  You see they just don't understand the pull of theft to a person like me.  They leave the bowl of sugar on the table after lunch, they leave the biscuits just just just within my reach and before I know myself, I have done the deed, climbed up on the table and delicately stretched myself forward and had them.  I don't mean to do it but the pressure of living with those two meditators who disappear to meditate, eyes closed and in another world, is too much for someone with my nature.  I was brought up with too many brothers and sisters, pulled from my natural home in a stable and brought to live in this home filled with delicious smells and from time to time there are chocolates.  If only I had undivided attention from the granny or even the grandpa and instead of being called bloody dog or wretched thief by one who I love, I might be able to overcome this wretched addiction to thieving things which don't rightfully belong to me.  They say that meditation will help me and I do join them as you will see from the photograph however when the half hour is over, the old habits return.  Any help to be had?

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