Friday 16 August 2013

Meditation and knowing people

She said how surprising it was to find that the people you thought you knew something about were not what you thought.  And there is an interesting thing, the people you think you know about are in your own head! not in their own space.  If you let them go free, they are there in their glory, in their own right and you might just see something or find something you never suspected was there, you might find they are even more lovely than you had imagined!  Certainly, if you had thought they were horrid, that gives them a chance to be newly seen and both you and they are free of the past and may have quite changed.
Meditation helps because consciously we put down our old thinking, we try to clear the mind and to hear a new sound, a mantra which will produce a different condition.  It is a bit simplistic to equate a mantra to a hoover but it does clean and order the substance of the mind and heart.
She and I meditate each morning on this study fortnight on the balcony of our room.  We had before this known one another through talking and exchanging stories and facts about our lives.  To meditate together is to let the space between us be the place of exchange.  We would both say that we have found new things about one another every day I think.  Here we all are at the outer wall of the Temenos of Apollo at Delphi.  Do you know who's who!

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