Saturday 25 October 2014

The Great Cosmic Bake off! just desert!

When I was in the desert with the great big view of the night sky and all the myriad twinkling stars and the vast vast panorama of galaxies and shooting stars and all of them such miles away that the light I was seeing with my eyes had left some of those stars hundreds of light years ago, I couldn't help realising that having such an earth bound view of things was trying to put a limit on what was really there.
building blocks
I read that in the beginning the Creator made the universe including all the stars and planets and galaxies and suns and moons.  I think it would also have included all the elements, space, air, water, fire and earth.  Then he/she made what is called Universal Soul and I imagine that to be whatever it is that makes us or any other thing alive.  Then He/She took some of the universe and some of the stuff called soul and made every living being, using different amounts of universe and different amounts of soul and made different mixtures so that different things have different percentages of one element or the other.  And just think what He/She made;  trees and all green things, fish and all the creatures that live in the sea and in rivers, He/She made lizards and creeping things,  He/She made insects and flying feathered things and He/She made us and gave us all sorts of different physical shapes, some tall, some short, some round, some long and to each one He/She gave the right sort of skin and hair for the place they were going to live.
Looking around that ancient desert with all the shapes in the rocks I think that He/She sat here and tried out all the shapes, moulding them out of all his created elements and then breathed  his life breath into the ones he had made and loved and then he scattered them all round the world in their right places and withdrew to a place he could watch them from.  That watching is the bit that makes us most like him.
mathematical formula or recipes

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