Tuesday 3 December 2013

What you keep company with and Gabriella's song

In the Coke blog, there wasn't time or space to say that you need to be careful what company you keep.  So try this fail-safe test.  Take whatever you are going to do or eat or smoke or buy and ask  your self "how many people will this benefit?"  In the case of socks, you need them to keep warm and the sock manufacturer needs the money to keep paying his workers and to keep making socks.  Win-win!  In the case of most things you buy, they should benefit you and someone else.  And even the Christmas extras, the things you may not need to have but hey, its Christmas and that thing will cheer someone up and you too.  In the case of cocaine, as it stands at the moment, the benefit is only for the one person, the user,  and even that is questionable.  You might say it would benefit the dealer, he speeds off in his BMW and presumably if he has a family, he feeds them (and probably not coke!).  But, behind that world, there is a world of corruption and degradation which the dealer is probably involved with.  (If there are any honest dealers out there, I apologise).  That world has a reputation for dealing in people, in trafficking young girls and selling them for sex, young girls just the age of those the coke user may have just tucked up in bed.
You could say that the girls being brought from a terrible country were benefitting, coming to another country where there might be an opportunity to get things you couldn't dream of at home but I say this is a long shot.
If you keep company with people who are thoughtful and kindly and maybe even meditate, you are likely to have enough fun and enough food and you will protect your children from people who do bad stuff.
To cheer you all up after two blogs of unremitting concern and not much cheeriness, here is Gabriella, the magic person you read about in November singing a Christmas carol.  Now, keep company with Gabriella and you are really really lucky. http://www.reverbnation.com/gabriellaandtheplanets/song/19349487-the-angel-gabriel

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