Wednesday 22 April 2015

Amazing meditating dog takes over blog!

Grandpa of the right, Granny in the middle and me on the right
That's me, the one on the right. The other two are MY grandparents or two of them (everyone has 4 grandparents but I only know 2 of mine).  The two old dears who look after me are getting themselves together for the morning, showering and fiddling about and I thought I would just climb up and write the blog for that Granny and tell you a few things about life as a meditating dog who appears in a meditating blog.
First, you should know that the Granny believes that I am first and foremost just Spirit.  That's what she says and she has a story to bear that out.  The story is about a Saint called Namadeva who had made himself a lovely supper of bread and butter near the cave where he lived.  Apparently Saints  like to be alone and don't eat much so this meal was something he probably looked forward to.  A dog, (a bit like me I think) came along and spotted the newly baked bread and he just obviously couldn't resist it and while the saint was quite possibly meditating or saying his grace before tucking in, he went along and took the bread right from under the Saint's eyes.  He, (if he was a bit like me) probably scarpered rapidly expecting to be chased and to have to give the bread back but he was surprised to see that the Saint wasn't at all angry.  That Saintly Namadeva just got up and fetched the pot of butter and went straight up to that thieving dog and said .....Lord,  you must not eat the bread without the butter....The Granny who is about to come down from her shower and find me here says that it was because Namadeva recognised the spirit in the dog and the very same as the Lord himself.  This is the sort of thing she likes to tell me and I listen hoping that the next bit of bread I get will be covered in butter (and jam).
The dog even looks like me!

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