Thursday 7 November 2013

caught out by Bernard

Bernard said, just as we were leaving yesterday evening that we should remember the dawn, that 45 minutes around the dawn is the most magical and most auspicious time to meditate.  How did he know that the autumn mornings, the warmth and comfort of the duvet, the early morning cup of tea in bed with a dog or two for company and a book had taken such a hold?  Of course he was right on cue so despite getting back home so late and watching Question Time and Newsnight and catching up with pressing things, the morning call was answered.  It felt good to be out with the Buddha as the sun came up.  Can I commend it? Yes! But does it take a little extra autumn effort? Yes it does.  Of course as Bernard said, this is the best time of year to restart the early bird scheme because the sun also doesn't get up tooooooo toooooo early.

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