Monday, 2 October 2017

Back to work, mother and grandmother, what fun

first days
getting bigger

She, the baby's mother went back to work today after over a year of in and out of hospital, looking after an early baby in a spaceship incubator, weighing her, feeding her, weighing again, weaning, weighing, baby yoga, swimming, not so much weighing now, starting solid food and then trying out the right childcare to cover the three days a week back at work.  She is good at her work and I am pleased to help her back because one day I may need the sort of care she gives as a working person.  It takes over an hour for her to get to work and I get the baby for a couple of hours before formal childcare starts.  I realise that this Granny time is an opportunity not to miss.  Not only do I get to learn new tricks, to learn about Ella's kitchen and how to sterilise a bottle in the microwave, she, the baby is being exposed to my singing and chanting to her in the time we spend together.  The great thing is that she doesn't mind when I sing hymns on the dog walk, and chant a few little Eastern prayers which are carried away by the wind and whisper  a few secrets into her ear.  She doesn't look embarrassed when I am clearly way out of tune, she just smiles and waves her arms and legs.  I am allowed to imagine that these ancient influences will make some difference! They are amongst the real treasures which I would like to pass on to make life easier to negotiate as she makes her way along.  

Under the Grandparental eye!