Monday 9 November 2015

Blogging dog flags up JUST THIS DAY

my computer skill
my son with his owner
It is rather a long time since I took over this blog but she, the granny I live with has been rather occupied with things other than blogging so I gathered up my courage and my thoughts and took my chance while her mind was elsewhere to tell you a bit about what she is planning at the moment. My owner is organising a day called Just this Day.  Well to me, all days are just this day but she has made a special day for people everywhere  to remember that  they share a single existence with everything in the world. She says you share your beingness with absolutely every other person, animal (especially dogs), plant and even things which don't move.  She says that meditation and being very very still is the way to find this out and has invited lots and lots of people to come and join her in London.  No dogs allowed I'm afraid but they have made provision for me and my family to be looked after on that day.  JUST THIS DAY is on Wednesday November 25th and there are two big events in London.  One is at St Martin-in-the-Fields in the morning and she says that there are two very important people talking there and the other is at St James's Church Piccadilly in the evening with more wonderful speakers.  YOU can register for those events by clicking on the names of the Churches.  But if you don't live nearby you can join in just like me in the picture on the left.  Just turn on your computer and go to and there is a live film which means that you will be able to join in wherever you are.  If she leaves her computer behind, I may join in too.    Would you like to find out more? Well follow the link to this newsletter
My son Pip, I definitely share my beingness with him!

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