Wednesday 17 December 2014

Santa's little helper has trouble with a mantra

Watch out for this fellow, he's after you!
It's that time of year and my inner Santa (note not my inner centre) is calling the shots!  I am that inner Santa's helper and my goodness Santa keeps me busy.  I get that morning meditation in but as soon as that's over, the list of tasks begins to fill and Santa is so repetitive, no request comes singly, it's over and over again..."Have you got mistletoe? Have you finished the Christmas cards? Have you remembered him or her or them? Have you ordered the turkey, counted the glasses, cleaned the silver, the windows and oh yes, have you decorated the tree?  And when you have done that, don't you think you should start the wrapping up?
So, out of the window goes the mantra and into the space slots that insistent Santa.  It is that time of year and I can feel Santa ratcheting up the demands.  Sometimes Santa wins but just sometimes, I get through meditation, mantra in place and no jingle bells at all.
Good luck to everyone else dealing with that red hatted old tradition, keep him in his place and once Christmas is over, make certain he goes back up the chimney.


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  2. Who sent you to give this message?
