Monday 17 November 2014

Granny goes viral! Wow!

Well who would have thought it!! Granny goes viral and it was all by chance or was it?  I went along to Global House for a meeting and there were the two film boys making this little film and they wanted someone to interview about what the Brahma Kumaris meant to them.  And there I was, hair newly done, looking like a cross between my own mother and the Queen and they put a nice white shawl in front of me and this is what happened.  It is true too, the Brahma Kumaris are remarkable, they only wish people to enact their own birthright which is to become the spiritual person they really are.  It doesn't matter if you are a formal Brahma Kumaris, there are plenty of them but it does matter that their message is known to be a universal human message.  It is just the same as Love your Neighbour as Yourself.  So, why not do that? why not?  And you never know, you might just go along to your friendly neighbours and find that there is someone with a camera and a shawl and you become a star, just for a minute.  Of course the real message is that everyone is a star and just needs to be assured of it!