Saturday 6 September 2014

Perhaps a little stress is good for us

In today's newspaper there is a great big article with pictures on Why we're now more stressed at home than in the office.   To an old hand like this Granny this finding isn't a bit surprising but it does bear a little looking at.  If you are at home surrounded by the natural accretion (chaos) which goes with the job of looking after small children with all sorts of different routines, scant regard for cleanliness or order, needing food and bathing and everything else including a bit of fun at the park or in the local pool, you are likely to be pulled and pushed in different directions.  This is stress, this pulling and pushing but hey it makes you strong and surely strong is what you want to be.  You aren't going to be in this stressy old situation forever, even my family spanning over 30 years of continuous adolescence in the house came to it's own end.  It is true that when the last yowly yowly baby coincided with an onrush of puberty at the top end of the family, sneaky smoking teenagers who needed to be taken to rugby, tennis, sea scouts in a car with the yowly yowly baby, I was nearly defeated but it passed.  The yowly yowly baby survived and is a terrific gregarious person, the smokers have nearly all given it up and I am strong enough to get through the Granny and Grandpa chapter which has it's own stresses.   If I had been at work attending to one thing at a time

having grown up conversations with my work colleagues, sipping a cappuccino without it being spilt and not undergone the stress of the job I had at home, I might have found the new regime with Grandpa at home needing lunch and being without a proper secretary and needing someone to help him with his i pad, much more difficult.  Any job which stretches a person is likely to be worthwhile, being a doctor or a teacher or a nurse or a mum or even a banker will ask the extra bit of patience but it will be good for the person getting strong and probably good for the people they look after.  Go on, treat yourself to a bit of stress, it's just a different kind of workout and you might even benefit.  Actually the thing which made the difference was… guessed….meditation!!!

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